Tuesday 1 December 2015

11 Times JJ Abrams Couldn't Even

JJ Abrams directed Star Trek. Boom. Crazy right? But then a very large corporation saw he could make them marginally more money and maybe not ruin their precious money machine by competently directing space battles and was like, "come over to the dark side" ha ha. That Very Large Corporation was Disney, and they own...Star Wars. Yeah. So this guy's like, I'm directing Star Trek AND Star Wars? 

I'd wager a quarter he could. Not. Even. Here are 11 more times, all of which involve Star Trek and Star Wars and ignore his other creative outlets, that JJ Abrams could not even. 

1. That time he was at Comic Con and was like, "the Starship Enterprise is like THIS big whoa man."
He also may have been talking about the Millennium Falcon idk when this is from, but it's not as big. Not THAT big. 

2. That time he taught R2-D2 how to read and was like, "I'm teaching a robot how to read WTHeck where did that fish come from"

3. That time he was doing some charity stuff in the desert and was like, "man, this camel muppet looks STONED haha I can't even"

4. That time ball droid wouldn't sit still so he could teach him/her how to read and was like "I'm just trying to give you the gift of literacy please I can't even"

5. When he got the job for this thing he hated as a kid and was like "I'm gonna punk all of you and make you hate the hedgehog guy through cultural saturation haha so many emotions"

6. That time he ruined a man's camera just becasuse he's a big hollywood director who hated Star Trek as a kid and he can't even handle all this attention right now

7. "I have a spaceship AND a spaceship chauffeur I can't even FATHOM this oops sorry Jeeves"

8. That time he used is directorial/dictatorial powers to invade the Walt Disney World Resort and Theme Park so he and his family could have a good time. Couldn't handle that at all

9. JJ Abrams is the creator/co-creator of many original properties such as Felicity, Alias, Lost, and Fringe, all of which have large fan bases and have give many hours of entertainment to a very wide range of audiences. All you'll see here are Star Trek and Star Wars gifs. Other properties he did not create have taken over his life. How little even he must have I don't know

10. TFW you get those sweet sweet Jon Stewart applauses 

11. That feeling when you'll never win an Oscar for your work because it involves furry space men but at least you can stand next to a guy who's won one and then you look into the light. You've been dead this whole time.

All hail the new king of content. 

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